Japanese Nuclear Company Virus Attack

Event Year: 2005 Reliability: Likely But Unconfirmed
Country: Japan
Industry Type: Power and Utilities

Confidential data for several Japanese nuclear plants was leaked on to the internet when a worker’s computer loaded with file-swapping software was attacked by a virus.  The 44 megabytes of files containing inspection forms, reports and manuals used from 2003 to 2005 probably apperared on the internet in March.  Company officials were not aware of the leak until June .  The file-sharing software, whinny was loaded on a worker’s personal computer, which contained files from Tokyo-based affiliate Mitsubishi Plant Engineering Corp.  The virus that infected whinny, sent those files to the Net.  The information was from seven Japanese electric power companies and four other utility firms.  Reports said the leak was mainly reports from inspections at two nuclear reactors run by Kansai Electric Power Company.  The information was confidential, but did not include anything about nuclear materials.


Confidential inspection reports from two Japanese nuclear plants were posted on the internet.

Action Description: Mitsubishi Electric has submitted a formal report to the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry and has taken steps to prevent reoccurance, the spokesman said.