Computer Glitch Causes 7 Water Mains to Break

Event Year: 2009 Reliability: Confirmed
Country: United States
Industry Type: Water/Waste Water

A computer glitch caused a false low pressure reading and turned on the pumps at a United Water facility.  A computer malfunction at the Troy pumping station was blamed for the 7 water main breaks in Jersey City Heights, NJ.

Two firefighters responding to an alarm at a senior center on Hague Street at noon and noticed water in the street.  They notified United Water.  There were other water main breaks at Hutton St. and Cambridge Ave, Bleecker St. and Pierce Ave., Congress St. and Shermann Ave, Thorne St. and Kennedy Blvd., Congress St. and Odgen Ave.,  and Ravine Ave..


A boil order was issued.  Water in some places was reported to be brown. Low water pressure resulted in some residents not having water for a period of time.  Water tankers were posted at two locations in the event of a fire.